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VR Safety Training: ASCO Power Technologies

VR Safety Training: ASCO Power Technologies

ASCO Power Technologies is known as the industry standard for power transfer switches. Their devices are used in mission-critical applications, and they are incredibly large and heavy machines, weighing over 3,000 pounds. This makes it difficult for them to bring the devices to tradeshows or for live demos to potential clients. So, to solve this problem, Saritasa worked with ASCO Power Technologies. With them, they made a VR Safety Training Demo that could be experienced anywhere.

The Benefits of VR Safety Training

Using the Oculus Quest, Saritasa created a portable way to view and interact with the power transfer switch in a virtual environment. This allows ASCO to demonstrate their product to potential clients without the need for a physical machine. Additionally, this virtual reality product demo provides a unique way to train employees on safety protocols. By utilizing the Oculus Quest, users can experience a realistic simulation of the power transfer switch, allowing them to practice safety protocols in a safe environment.

How Saritasa Created the VR Experience

Saritasa was able to create the virtual reality product demo by utilizing 3D assets of the machine provided by ASCO. The ASCO team converted and optimized these assets to function within a virtual environment. They built the VR Safety Training in Unity and optimized it to work with the Oculus Quest. The Quest doesn’t require a tether and so doesn’t require a computer to run. Because of this, it was critical for our team to optimize the experience to run with the constraints of the Quest in mind.

Unique Navigation and Real-World Scenarios

Our team created a navigation system that allows a user to view and interact with the entire 360-degree model without having to move. This allows a viewer to see the entire switch within a confined space, such as a tradeshow floor. Additionally, our team implemented a video “wall” in the virtual environment, which displays 360-degree videos of the power transfer switch in customer and manufacturer locations. This provides a realistic simulation of the power transfer switch in real-world scenarios.

VR Safety Training In Conclusion

ASCO Power Technologies has taken safety training to the next level with their VR Safety Training product. By utilizing the Oculus Quest, users can experience a realistic simulation of the power transfer switch. This lets them practice safety protocols in a safe environment. This virtual reality product demo provides a unique way to train employees on safety protocols. It also allows ASCO to demonstrate their product to potential clients without the need for a physical machine. With VR safety training, ASCO Power Technologies is revolutionizing the industry standard for power transfer switches.


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