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What is Varjo Reality Cloud and Who Is Using It?

What is Varjo Reality Cloud and Who Is Using It?

Varjo Reality Cloud is a powerful XR solution that enables users to experience virtual teleportation by streaming virtual and mixed reality content to Varjo devices. But what exactly is it, and how is it changing the world of immersive technology? Let’s explore.

Introducing Varjo Reality Cloud

Varjo Reality Cloud is a cloud-based tool designed to run graphically intensive virtual and mixed reality applications on any device. Its unique “foveated transport algorithm” allows customers to stream immersive experiences from the cloud to devices with amazing visual fidelity. Using Varjo’s product, teams can transport themselves into a virtual space that replicates real-world surroundings in high resolution.

Features of Varjo’s Reality Cloud

Varjo Reality Cloud is supported by the AWS cloud environment and NVIDIA GPU technology. Its powerful graphics capabilities allow it to render even the most complex and intensive virtual environments. It can do this in real time, letting users experience an immersive space as though they were physically present. Additionally, the platform includes enterprise-grade encryption to protect flowing data from attacks.


Companies like Autodesk, Unity, and Unreal Engine are already using Varjo’s new product. Several car manufacturers, including Volvo and KIA, have also started using it for immersive design collaboration. The technology enables team members to collaborate on designing new car models as though they were physically standing together in the same place, paving the way for new forms of human interaction and collaboration without the need for expensive travel.

Getting Started Is Easy

Varjo doesn’t require any complex local software install. Varjo’s Reality Cloud main view displays all the team sessions and applications shared with users, letting them start and join sessions in a matter of seconds. Users can also upload application files when necessary and use keyboard input options during XR sessions.

Who Is Using Is Right Now?

While Varjo’s Reality Cloud is still a relatively new addition to the XR world, many companies have already begun to see the benefits. As the uses of this product continue to evolve, more and more companies are sure to find themselves trying it out in the years to come.

In conclusion, Varjo Reality Cloud is a solution letting teams meet in VR in high resolution, among other things. Its applications are already being used by several companies, including car manufacturers like Volvo and KIA, to improve collaboration and productivity. In short, the possibilities for immersive experiences are endless.

Varjo Website: https://varjo.com/

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